Public Awareness about Earthquake Risk, Building Codes and its Enforcement in Quetta City


  • Hamida Gul
  • Syed Ain Uddin


Earthquake, Seismic Risk, Building Codes, Enforcement, Government Role, Quetta.


Quetta lies in high seismic risk zone which receive frequent earthquakes of
various magnitudes. This unpredictable disaster will cause catastrophic
situation in any future seismic event in the region. The main objective of
this paper is to understand the public awareness about earthquake risk,
building codes and its enforcement in Quetta. The data sample were
collected from 400 houses by using simple random sampling. The results
reveled that people have knowledge about earthquake risk but not satisfied
by the role of government and concern departments in implementation of
building codes in Quetta city. The article recommends design program to
build public awareness about earthquake risk and concern authorities play
their role to minimize the future effects of any seismic event in the city.

Author Biographies

Hamida Gul

Scholar in UOB

Syed Ain Uddin

Pro voice Chancellar in UOB


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