Political Role of Baloch Women in Mainstreaming Politics in Balochistan


  • Abdul Sattar
  • Shahida Habib Alizai


Gate community, Political landscape, Mainstreaming, Narrative, Tribalism, Social hegemony


Politics is the lifeline of every nation on this planet. But in this era of
chaos there is a widen discrimination in political landscape for women.
The narrative for making women segregates from local, national and
international politics initiated during 20th century. In fact, pre 20
century era of human civilization women were not allowed to participate
in any aspects of people lives but to look after house and kids. Many
movements have been launched during the course of 19th and 20th
centuries and at the end of 19th century women had got many social,
economic and religious rights and protections. But 20 century marked
as political isolation of women in many of the world. Women in British
Balochistan were limited to their houses and to just cook foods. Both the
colonial and Khan Rulers in Balochistan deprived women from their due
rights. Soon after the independence of Pakistan, Balochistan becomes
the part of one unit from 1948 to 1970s. In this era women of Balochistan
were not allowed to take part in political activities. The constitution of
1973, had paved the way for women to participate in political maneuver
of regional and national politics. But the extreme tribal norms and gated
community of Balochistan could not let women to chip in political
adventure. But from 2000 and onward women of Balochistan step in
political discourse of Pakistan and become an active contributor of
politics. During Zardari regime women representatives passed various
laws for women domestic protection, social and economic rights.
Indeed, today women are working in every platform with men equally
and accordingly. The Baloch women can play a vital role for
mainstreaming Balochistan politics into national level. Women can
counter extreme tribal norms, feudal hegemony of men and male
dominated society on more participation of politics in every level.

Author Biographies

Abdul Sattar

Scholar in UOB 

Shahida Habib Alizai

Assistant Professor in Gender Dep UOB


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