Instability in Afghanistan: Impacts on Pakistan Since 9/11


  • Muhammad Ali
  • Kaleem Ullah Bareach


Effects, Instability, Assaults, Decades, Legislature, Destruction etc.


Afghanistan, the most significant and important determinant state for
foreign policy and strategy makers of Pakistan. Since its creation in
1947, the relations of Pakistan with Afghanistan are not amiable. As the
result of 9/11, Afghanistan has turned into a blaze purpose of conflicting
interests between various powers of the world. Because of the
involvement of India in the region, the borders in west between
Afghanistan and Pakistan have turned out to be exceptionally
unreliable. Due to shakiness in Afghanistan, Pakistan has dependably
been a casualty of this instability. Insecurity and instability in
Afghanistan has its par reaching effects on Pakistan is the aim and
objectives of this study. Likewise, it goes for dealing with elements and
arrangement objectives of on-screen characters engaged with the dread
and war on terrorism in Afghanistan. This research is the result of
verifiable and investigative effort that has been made to achieve the real
prospects and fact regarding the concerned issue.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Ali

scholar in History Department UOB

Kaleem Ullah Bareach

Professor History Department UOB 


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