Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Job Performance of Public Sector University Teachers in Balochistan with Reference to Age, Gender & Academic Rank


  • Kanan Asif
  • Nadeem Malik


Emotional Intelligence, Job Performance, University Teachers


This study examined the impact of Emotional Intelligence or Emotional
Quotient (EI) on the Job Performance (JP) of public sector university
teachers of Balochistan province (Pakistan) with a focus on
demographic variables as moderators in the EI’s ability to predict the
JP. The population of the study consisted of 1425 faculty members from
across 7 public sector university teachers in Balochistan. A sample size
of 303 was determined and data was collected using proportionate
sampling technique from a sample of 292 with the help of selfadministered mail questionnaires. The analysis of the data revealed that
the EI was significantly correlated with the JP of public sector university
teachers and EI explained around 51.5% of variance in the
performance. Furthermore, it was transpired that gender significantly
moderates the relationship between EQ and JP, especially the
relationship was stronger among the female faculty members as
compare to the males. The moderation analysis of age and academic
rank revealed that these two variables were negatively moderating the
relationship between EI & JP (having negative beta coefficients)
however, the p-value was insignificant to accept the hypothesis.

Author Biographies

Kanan Asif

Scholar in UOB 

Nadeem Malik

Pfrofessor in Commerce Department UOB 


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