Assessing Climatic Variation, Farmer’s Perception and their Adaptive Strategies in District Zhob, Balochistan


  • Jamil Ur Rehman Babar
  • Muhammad Ashraf


Climate Change, Perception, Adaptive Strategies, Zhob


This paper analyzes variation in climatic factors, farmer’s perception and
their adaptive strategies towards climate change in Zhob district,
Balochistan. The minimum and maximum mean temperature and rainfall data
over a period of 35 years (1981-2015) has been used to analyze variation in
climate in the study area. Linear regression model has been used to assess
the variation in climatic factors by using SPSS. In addition, perception and
adaptive strategies of the 200 farm households towards climate change have
been assessed following an in-depth survey. The results indicate that high
temperature has been observed in the months of May to September, while
extreme variation in rainfall was observed during the last two decades. The
most significant decline in rainfall (33mm) was recorded in the year 2014
over the last 35 years. The results further reveal that farmer’s perceptions
regarding climatic variability are in line with the results obtained using the
secondary climatic data and information. Farmers’ adapted number of
strategies such as crop management, adjustment in input use, water
management etc., to mitigate the impacts of climate change on their agrobased practices.

Author Biographies

Jamil Ur Rehman Babar

Scholar in UOB

Muhammad Ashraf

Lecturer in College 


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