A Study on Consumer Protection and Empowerment Issues and Challenges A Case Study of Quetta Balochistan


  • Sana Ullah
  • Siraj Bashir


Consumer rights, Consumer protection, Consumer empowerment, Balochistan consumer rights protection act 2003, Consumer rights commission of Pakistan etc.


This study on consumer protection and empowerment issues and
challenges (A case study of Quetta, Balochistan) investigate the level of
consumer awareness regarding their basic consumers rights and
responsibilities as well as regarding Balochistan consumer protection
act 2003, this research study focused on question like role consumer
rights commission Pakistan providing awareness regarding consumers
rights in region and it analyzed the role of TV advertisements on
consumer buying behavior in Quetta city. The basic aim of this study
was to find out about the actual conditions of consumer in Quetta city
and their attitude or knowledge regarding consumers’ rights, those are
provided by the legal system of Balochistan government and
internationally recognized basic consumer rights, these are right to
safety, right to be informed, right to choose, right to be heard, right to
seek redressal and right to consumer education. A questionnaire was
used as a major tool primary data collection source from 100
respondents of Quetta city, these respondents were from different
respectable departments and institutions of Balochistan province,
mostly the educated class of the city, these were form university of
Balochistn’s professor, lecturer and students, Bolan Medical complex
and livestock department’s professional doctors were participated in
research as respondents as well casual consumer were given the chance
to participate in as respondent. The tool for data analysis was Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) which were consisted of Descriptive
statistics, cross-tabulation, logistic regression, ANOVA, correlation,
linear regression. Expressive insights were utilized to investigate thisinformation. The study found that consumers in Quetta are in very much
critical and miserable conditions, most of market places and business
do not have any concern regarding the protection of basic consumers’
rights and there are number fake products, deceptive goods and
services, misleading information about products and there isn’t any
safety assurance in food producing farm especially those foods which
are being sold in dusty road sides of Quetta city. 

Author Biographies

Sana Ullah


Siraj Bashir



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