Water Crisis in Pakistan An Analysis of Causes and Solutions


  • Nazir Ahmed Kasi
  • Saman Salah


Water Crisis, Pakistan, Causes, Solutions etc.


Water is the necessity of life. Shortage of water may create a number of
problems particularly if this shortage reaches to national level.
Agriculture, factories and all other resources of national prosperity are
somehow based on water. This paper examines the water crisis in
Pakistan. The paper explores the current situation and upcoming
situation of the water crisis, the causes of water shortage e.g.
Urbanization, climate change, Indian treaty, population, over pumping
of ground water. Besides this paper also suggests some possibilities for
the solution such as construction of dams and other water reservoirs,
public awareness for the importance of water, installation of trees and
organizations for beneficial managements.

Author Biographies

Nazir Ahmed Kasi

Asistant Lecture in Pakistan Study center University of Balochistan 

Saman Salah

Assistant Professor in SBK Quetta 


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