Factors Influencing a High Unemployment An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan


  • Bahadur Ali Soomro
  • Abdul Jaleel Mirjat


Unemployment; lack of education, lack of skills, low wage, inflation, poverty, beggary, business fluctuations.


In the present era, the socio-economic problems such as inflation,
business fluctuations, overpopulations, poverty, beggary and decline in
living standard are tremendously increasing day by day. Among such
the intolerable issues, unemployment is one of the most dangerous and
unbearable condition for every economy. To this extent; the present
paper efforts to investigate the major predictors of unemployment in
Pakistan. To assess such the issue, some major independent variables
like lack of skills, low wage and lack of education are selected for
examining the phenomena of unemployment. We applied a survey
questionnaire-based on random sampling method. In total 830, valid
surveys are analyzed at final stage. The data is analyzed through
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24.0 for
windows. The scores of Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression
analysis showing that there is a positive and significant relationship
among low wages, lack of education, lack of skills and unemployment.
This study may prove a guideline for policy makers and economic agents
to think about the unemployment and reduce the burden of
unemployment through improving such the factors. Furthermore, the
study may contribute to the relevant literature of unemployment
particularly in the developing context

Author Biographies

Bahadur Ali Soomro


Abdul Jaleel Mirjat

Lecturer in college 


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