An Analytical Study of the Role of District Mianwali in Pakistan Movement


  • Ameer Farooq Teacher
  • Muhammad Asif Lecturer


Mianwali, Movement, Pakistan, etc.


This article provides an important overview on Mianwali district
regarding my said topic. Mianwali district has a very important
significance in all aspects like historically, politically and culturally. It is
very important for me to quote that it has all type of resources like lands,
Minerals, weather and geographical significance. Historically, Mianwali
district also has its own importance. According to my said topic, People of
Mianwali indulged their best efforts in making of Pakistan. Achieving of
Pakistan became their primary goal. That‟s why; they put their all efforts
in Pakistan movement and paid attribution to Muslim league and Quaid A
Azam by all means. Moalana Abdul Satar Khan Niazi was the hero of this
agitation from district Mianwali. He was the man who raised the slogan of
“Pakistan Zindabad” for the first time in Lahore resolution ceremony.
Ameer Abdullah Khan Rokhari and Nawab of Kalabagh took part in
Pakistan movement to get a homeland for the Muslims of Sub continent.
Beside this, all the common people of Mianwali played an important role
in Pakistan movement, that‟s why Muslim league secured both two seats of
Mianwali constituency in 1946 elections.


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