Assessment of Gawadar Port with Chabahar Port


  • Jaffar khan Teacher
  • Dr.amjad Abbas Magsi Director


Gawadar Port, Chabahar Port, Regional Connectivity, Trade Enhancement, Power Politics.


Asian continent has been the verge of political and economic ground. It has the diversity of Geography and demography which attracts the global powers to attain political influence. Gawadar Port locating in Indian Ocean has gained the importance by its proximity to Strait of Hormuz, China has constructed it with collaboration of Pakistan to get connectivity to Middle East and Africa for the purpose of regional trade. On the other hand, Iranian Chabhahr Port has co-opted by India to get access to Afghanistan and Central Asian states. The proximity of Gawadar Port and Chahbahr Port has intensified the regional power struggle between China-Pakistan and India. The port of Gawadar has much edge over Chabhahr port due its deep water capacity and capability of passing of large shipments.


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