Evaluation of Quetta Master Plan from the Lens of Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case of Quetta Master Plan
Master Plan, Urban Planning, Natural Disasters, QuettaAbstract
The research study was conducted in order to evaluate Quetta master plan through the lens of disaster risk management. The researcher has used qualitative method of research design along with primary data. The data was collected from public and experts working in the provincial disaster management authority of Quetta, Baluchistan. Thematic analysis was carried out as the data analysis technique and total sample size was 20. The findings have revealed that disaster risk management is an important subject of controlling the consequences of natural hazards and mitigating risks through every means. The experts and public have shared their opinion regarding lack of funds and resources for taking necessary steps. The number of causalities and deaths has increased in Quetta because it is prone to natural calamities. Therefore, the public should be engaged in protecting the environment and urban planning should be done effectively like in other countries. Moreover, the response collected in the theme related to the National legislation, urban planning and disaster risk requirements include various responses included some aspects such as the recommendations regarding the urban planning in the province of Baluchistan and the effectiveness of the planning in terms of dealing with the disaster risks in an effective manner. Furthermore, the problem that has been highlighted in the responses obtained from the respondents is related to the lack of resources and funds as Pakistan is one of those countries that is not supported by international agencies in terms of monetary value or financial funding that make it difficult to make the urban planning effective.
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