Causes and Effects of Unemployment in Quetta Pakistan


  • Shireen Haider
  • Alam Tareen Professor
  • Dr.Shabana Akhtar Assistant Professor


Unemployment, Demographic Development, Illiteracy, Poverty, Etc.


This article focuses on the causes and effects of unemployment in the
Quetta District. Primary information was gathered for this purpose.
Results indicate that 32.5% of 120 participants were unemployed owing to
poor schooling, 15.8% owing to lack of abilities, and 55 % were
unemployed because of no attitude to the official involved. 65% of the
complete respondents were unskilled. 73 % of the participants had never
joined the job and 18.3 % had left the job due to low wages 7.5 % were
unemployed completion of the study. 100 % of participants accepted that
unemployment was induced over the population.


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