Causes & Effects of Unbridled Population in Pakistan Exploring the High Complexities and Controversial Issues Paving ways towards Awareness
Unbridled population, Pakistan, Causes, Complexities, Controversial issuesAbstract
The present paper is an attempt to explore the causes of unbridled
population in Pakistan by exploring the high complexities and
controversial issues which hinder the economic development of the
country. Unbridled population growth is one of the biggest challenges
facing Pakistan. Increasing population has links with many social
menaces like terrorism, low literacy rates, low per capita income,
malnutrition, and stunted growth in kids including poor standard of living.
Some major social evils like corruption, drug addiction and terrorism
have roots in overpopulation. Pakistan was the 13th most populous
country on its independence back in 1947 that also included the East
Pakistan-Bangladesh now. However, it moved to 7th ranking in 1996 and
as of today it is the 6th most populous country. Socio-religious beliefs,
early marriages, drug addiction and corruption form the core causes of
over- population in Pakistan. Besides, this paper concludes that
advancement of autonomous media and liberal training in instructive
establishments will in time likewise help by empowering a smaller family
size ideal which would in turn contribute to the better economy of
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