Analysis of Job Satisfaction and Performance of Private and Public Sectors’ Teachers of Balochistan: A Comparative Study


  • Munir Ahmed
  • Beenish Malik


Extrinsic factors, Job satisfactions, College teachers, Performance, Quetta, Baluchistan, Pakistan etc


Motivation and job satisfaction are the two interconnected concepts.
Job satisfaction is a measure of a person's performance in the workplace.
Divers methods are available to gauge the level of satisfaction of employees.
Most of the researchers have focused on the extrinsic and intrinsic factors
that relates to the job satisfaction of employees. Questionnaire surveys have
been used to collect responses from the sample of the study. This study is
designed to focus on measurement of the impact of the extrinsic factors of
motivation on the job satisfaction and performance of the teachers of the
public and private sectors. This study was aimed to explore the level of job
satisfaction of teaching staff of both public and private sectors‟ colleges in
Balochistan province on the bases of extrinsic rewards. College teachers,
numbering 130 from both public and private sectors were selected through
convenience sampling from Quetta city and their responses were recorded.
The components of extrinsic factor like were included in the survey
questionnaire. The questions pertaining to their salary, workload, leadership,
communication, workplace cooperation, promotion policy and overall job
satisfaction were included.


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