Higher Education and its Impact on Women Economic Empowerment: An Analytical Study in Quetta City


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Higher Education, Women Economic empowerment, Income, Employment category


As we all know that education is the key that differ us from human. In
today’s era, people think that only education can contribute to the women
empowerment and it is a main weapon to uplift the women economic
condition is true. But we also have to look at the other side of the picture
that being an educated woman she has been right on resources and her life
independently or she has been receiving her own income. So, the present
study investigates that which factor mostly contributes to the women
empowerment and role for higher education on women economic conditions
as well as the impact of level of education and quality of education effect
on economic status of women.
The Primary data was used for the research studies and applied different
statistical tools for measuring the data with different aspect such as,
graphical display, regression analysis and sum basic tools to check the
relationship between economic empowerment and income which shows
strong relationship and same test applied on empowerment and level of
education which show weak relationship. From the results of study, we can
say that income is more effective rather than level education.


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