Pakistan-India Relations: Hydro Politics and Implications for Pakistan:


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Pakistan, India, Water, Indus Water Treaty, World Bank, Hydro-politics.


The study is an attempt to explore hydro politics in Pak-India relations and
its implications for Pakistan. The study examines the Indian Water Treaty
and its impacts. The study explores the Indian Indus Water System policies
against Pakistan. India has been using water as a diplomatic tool against
Pakistan effecting diplomatic ties between these two immediate neighbors.
Despite the historical Indus water Treaty signed between Pakistan and
India water remains the most talked-about issues in Pakistan and India. The
continuous Indian violation of the Indus Water Treaty and the growing
water scarcity in Pakistan exacerbates the tense situation. Water is being
used against Pakistan as a diplomatic weapon. The hydro-politics is
considered disastrous for the peace and stability of the region. Pakistan
wants peaceful solution to the long-standing water disputes. But due to the
Indian aggressive intensions and reluctance the dispute remains
unresolved. Currently, the growing water scarcity and energy crises compel
Pakistan making efforts to nudge India on the table of talks. Presently, the
water dispute is main factor in diplomatic deadlock in Pakistan-India
relations. The constant Indian violation of the Indus Water Treaty and the
increasing water shortage in Pakistan exacerbates the tense situation. This
paper will highlight the Indian aggressive intensions and its implications
for Pakistan. The paper suggests some angles regarding the solution of
water dispute. Data for this study has been collected adopting secondary
source of data collection.


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