The Impact of Drought on Agriculture Sector in Loralai, District Balochistan:


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Balochistan, Drought, Socio-economic, Agriculture, Production, Lorali


By nature, drought hazard is slow onset, and least understood of
all natural disaster, exposed more agriculture, livelihood and societies
than any other hazard in all over the world. Drought is defined as water
scarcity low humidity or rainfall and less agriculture productivity has
generally caused drought. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the
impacts of drought on agriculture production in district loralai. Total 150
of the sample respondents were interviewed during field survey. Sample size
was chosen on the basis of their respective population using propitiate
allocation from each union council. Results revealed that, study area is
highly affected by drought. People migrated to find out alternative sources
of income generating activities. Mostly of the farmers were sold their assets
and land to save their orchards affected by drought. The paper recommends
the necessary mitigation measures (Water Reservoirs, Storage of water, low
delta crops, farmers training and extension centers) to reduce the overall
impacts of drought in the area.


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