Portrayal of CPEC in Selected Newspapers Published from Balochistan:


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Print Media, China, Pakistan, Economic, Corridor, Balochistan, Etc.


Media has become an essential element of society as it has many ways
to shape the society. Press main roles is to inform, educate, and
entertain the public. Media is creating sensation across this area by
placing its active position on the audience by highlighting the news
stories about the Chinese Pakistan economic corridor in Pakistan and
also by portraying the issues of the people of Balochistan in the mass
media in their own subjective and situational context. This study
examined the news aspects of CPEC and the role media play as a
stakeholder. The news reports are highly informative and have played a
very effective role in sharing information about CPEC among the people
of Balochistan. The Daily Balochistan Times (English) and Daily Jang
(Urdu) are Baluchistan's leading newspapers. The media is playing its
part in reducing the disparity and creating awareness by presenting the
positive picture in minds of local populous. The media publishes more
positive image news to create a bridge between stakeholders.
Governments optimistic statements are published more prominently
stressing the fact that the majority of local people are convinced to get
maximum benefit from the mega project.



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