Assessment of Poverty Determinants among the Rural Households of District Harnai, Balochistan:
Poverty; Determinants of Poverty; Rural; Households; Harnai; Balochistan; Pakistan, Etc.Abstract
Balochistan is enlisted as one of the poorest areas in the world. Despite
availability of rich natural resources and geographic importance, the
majority population lives below poverty line. Harnai District is further
marked in the bottom five Districts in terms of living condition and poverty.
Although, the area has coal mines and other natural resources other than
abundant water resources, but due to mismanagement and weak policy
existence or its enforcement, the population is bound to live under poverty
conditions with no hope of growth in prospect. Therefore, in order to
suggest viable policy guidelines, it appears imperative for the study to
highlight major determinants of poverty in District Harnai with elaborate
statistics to support the inferences empirically. Therefore, the study was
carried out by conducting a pragmatic survey of the area with a view to
identify major problem areas in terms of economic or social determinants
as well as identify grey areas in development of infrastructure/ institutions
and highlight areas under deprivation. All these determinants are then put
in to obtain a mosaic of determinants in order to obtain a wholesome picture
of poverty condition in the area. Basing on which the policy measures are
suggested to the major stakeholders at District, Provincial and National levels.
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