Teachers’ Preparedness Towards Infusion of Moral Values Among Secondary School Students: Evidence from Lasbela District Balochistan:


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Moral Values, Infusion, Co-Curricular Activities, Secondary Level, Lasbela, Etc.


The present study evaluates teacher’s preparedness towards infusion of
moral values among students at secondary level in District Lasbela. The
study was carried out by using Qualitative research methodology. Within
this framework, descriptive survey research methods are used. A total of 38
secondary school teachers (28 males and 10 females) using criterion
sampling were approached to collect data. Open Ended questionnaire
containing 2 questions was distributed among the participants. Analysis
and findings of the study showed that teachers are aware of the importance
of infusion of moral values among students and for the purpose of infusing
these values they use a variety of strategies and methods in their classrooms
such as role modeling, co-curricular activities, storytelling etc. This study
suggested that for development of moral values of the students, school
should create a supporting environment by conducting co-curricular
activities on regular basis. Institutions should organize motivational
lectures to facilitate students to develop their moral values. Teachers should
act exemplary to infuse these values among students.



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