A Study on Effect of Classroom Learning Environment on Students Academic Achievement in subject of Mathematics at Secondary Level:


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Mathematics, Classroom, Learning environment, Academic Achievement, Positive Effect, Etc.


The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of learning environment on
the academic achievement of secondary school’s students in the subject of
Mathematics. The research method used in this study was descriptive
correlation method. Two stage sampling technique was adopted to select
the respondents. A total 100 teachers and 300 students were selected
conveniently for the said purpose. Questionnaire and student classroom
achievement Test were the data collection tools of the said study. The
findings of this research study indicated that all the components of
classroom learning environment have positive effect on Student's academic
performance in subject of mathematics. The study findings indicate that
there is a significant relationship between the different elements (student
cooperation, closeness, fairness, teacher support and involvement) in the
classroom learning environment and the secondary school students '
academic achievement in mathematics. Therefore, to improve the academic achievement in mathematics at secondary level, the instructors should focus
on the classroom learning atmosphere.



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