Challenges and Opportunity Regarding Hrd Dynamics and Pace of Globalization Process:


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HRD, educational dynamics, pace, globalization, Balochistan


This research was determent the challenges and opportunity regarding
HRD dynamics and pace for globalization within two districts of
Balochistan province namely Quetta and Sibi. Present empirical research
based on cross-sectional design from 2 districts schools. However, in this
regard, one hundred (100) teacher respondents were selected, 50 teachers
from each district were selected. Cronbach's alpha program was remains
ranged from .916-.825. The SPSS 22 statistical packages were used for data
analysis and analytical tools. T-test techniques were applied so that judge
the HRD dynamics regarding the educational direction were observed at
the p < 0.01 Alpha level. Results reveals that most of respondents had
possessed the 36-50 years as recoded as (50%). Majority (50%) of the
teacher were obtained the educational status in the other categories. Tvalue of the present study was depicted that -1.201, 1.205, .845, .843, -3.520
of the all concepts respectively. Therefore, the null hypotheses rejected in
all three categories. Hence, with the viable usage of current approach,
associated pattern and expanded hierarchical adequacy increased the
educational dynamic within terms of HRD aspects. Therefore, it should be recommended that HRD educational aspects and HRD developing pattern
incased the educational dynamics related with globalization process.



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