The Policies of Musharraf Regime in Pakistan: An Analysis


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Pakistan, Regime, Policies, Musharraf, Etc.


The important theme of Musharraf government was to improve governance
system in Pakistan. To achieve the objectives, the military regime
introduced series of policies and structural administrative reforms
throughout the country to replace the “sham” democracy of the past with a
real and genuine democratic set-up. Musharraf began his rule by projecting
himself as yet another well intentioned soldier forced by circumstances to
take over the country. A few years into his rule, Musharraf declared
Pakistan is not ready for democracy adding that he would not relinquish
power as long as his retaining it was “in the national interest. This paper
is an attempt to provide an analysis of policies of military regime in
Pakistan during the Musharraf era. It has also examined the implications
on Pakistani politics and the role of military in politics.



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