The Woman Question in Qaisra Shahraz’s Novel “The Holy Woman” A Study of Qaisra Shahraz’s Novel (The Holy Woman):


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Patriarchy; Tradition; Gender; Islamic feminism & Islamphobia, Etc.


Qaisra Shahraz is eminent Pakistani novelist, her effeminate works deal
with Pakistani society, especially focuses women’s issues in backcountry.
Her novel “The Holy Woman” (2001) portrays patriarchal customs which
are barriers for women at the crossroads of sylvan Sindh, Pakistan. Its
theme is pertinent with women’s social issues and describes patriarchy and
protagonist’s life. Further, Qaisra Shahraz with her expertise interprets
victim, orthodox, cultural extremism, religious misconception and enchants
scholars to debate more about gender equation. Moreover, the protagonist
is highly educated woman with effeminate perception and behavior, who
has been duped by patriarchal cultures. Thus, women yearn to get rid of
patriarchal system. Only debate is not the solution to females’ problems,
women have to restore their status. Qaisra Shahraz endeavors to highlight
gender discrimination and to corroborate transformation in women’s life.
Study’s conclusion reveals that protagonist was confronting barriers and
challenges which have begun from patriarchal family, where her dreams

1M.Phil. Scholar, Department of English Literature university of Balochistan Quetta
Pakistan Email:
2Dr. Najia Asrar Zaidi, Department of English Literature university of Balochistan Quetta
Pakistan 101
and desires were ruined; her aim was normal life without any external
intrusion. Notwithstanding, it is sure that women have equal rights, status
and opportunities. As a result, Protagonist marries her beloved man and
begins normal life.



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