An Antecedents of Green Purchase Intention Among Young Consumers of Quetta-Pakistan


Green perceived value, Green perceived risk, Environment Concern, Green purchase intention, Etc.


For last few decades’ businesses being a major stakeholder in
environmental degradation have changed their business process and
products on green footings. But the consumers’ willingness to purchase
green products is found critical for firms’ sustainability and environmental
growth. Voluminous literature on green purchase intention have
highlighted the role of environment concern, however consumers’
perceived factors towards green products along with environment concern
from developing countries are scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this
research was to examine the effects of Environment concern, green
perceived value and green perceived risk on green purchase intention
among young consumers of Quetta. 300 self-administered questionnaires
were distributed to young students of four universities of Quetta through
convenience sampling approach. Multiple linear regression and Hayes’
process was used to test hypotheses. Results indicate that environment
concern and green perceived value found positive and significant
relationship with green purchase intention, while green perceived risk
found negative and significant relationship with green purchase intention.
1MS Scholar, Institute of Management Sciences, University of Baluchistan Quetta
2Dr. Muhammad Danish, Assistant Professor, Institute of Management Sciences,
University of Balochistan Quetta Pakistan

Further Green attitude found significant mediating effect between
environment concern, green perceived value and green perceived risk. It is
suggested that firms should highlight their role in protecting environment
and reduce their perceived risk associated with product through



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