Mediating Effect of Organizational Trust between Ethical Leadership and Work Engagement among Teachers of HEI


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Keywords: Ethical Leadership, Work engagement, Organizational trust, Psychological empowerment, Etc


The work engagement is found critical for organizations’ development and
growth. The voluminous literature has identified the predictors of work
engagement from leadership, individual and organizational factors.
However, the integrated framework based on leadership, and individual
(psychological) element is undertheorized. This research fills the gap by
testing the moderated mediation of psychological empowerment and
organizational trust to explain the work engagement based on ethical
leadership. 300 self-administered questionnaires were distributed based on
proportionate random sampling approach to teachers from four universities
present in Quetta. To test hypotheses, the regression analysis, Hayes Model
for mediation and moderation through bootstrapping approach. Results
indicate that ethical leadership has positive significant impact on
organizational trust and work engagement. The mediation results show that
the work engagement is improved when organizational trust positively
interacts with ethical leadership. The results of moderating effect show that
when psychological empowerment is low and ethical leadership is high the
work engagement improves. Further the difference of work engagement
between low and high psychological empowerment vanishes when ethical

1MS Scholar, Institute of Management Sciences University of Balochistan Quetta
2Muhammad Danish, Lecturer, Institute of management Sciences University of
Balochistan Quetta Pakistan42
leadership improves. Thus both ethical leadership and psychological
empowerment found significant moderation mediation for work



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