The Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Employees’ Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
Psychological Empowerment, Employees’ Job Performance, Job Satisfaction.Abstract
This research paper studied the relationship between psychological
empowerment and employee’s job performance by mediating role of job
satisfaction in pharmaceutical industry of Balochistan with reference to
Quetta city. By literature it is cleared that all variables have positive
relationship with each other. Psychological empowerment is related to
intrinsic motivation of worker toward the task, job satisfaction is pleasant
feeling about work while job performance is a behavior of performing job
in a specific time range for expected results by an organization.
Primary data is collected by using questionnaires adopted by previous
research work. Nonprobability convenience sampling methodology is used
to collect data by sales personnel of pharmaceutical industry. SPSS
(Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 20 is used to analyze the
data. Results show that relationship of independent variable (psychological
empowerment) with dependent variable (employees ’job performance) and
mediating variable (job satisfaction) with dependent variable (employees
’job performance) have positive and correlation is moderated. While
relationship of independent variable (psychological empowerment) with
mediating variable (job satisfaction) is positive but weak correlation is
1MPhil Scholar, Department of commerce university of Balochistan Quetta Pakistan
2Muhammad Shafiq, Lecturer Department of commerce University of Balochistan
Quetta Pakistan 11
found. Multiple regression test depict that mediation is partial but overall
results are significant.
So for further scholars, suggestions are to study more variables to find that
impact of psychological empowerment with mediating or moderating
effects. This is also suggested that to study this framework in administrative
and management level of pharmaceutical industry.
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