چاچ ءُآئی ءِ بہروتہر
Riddles: its forms and kind
Balochi Enigme, idioms, Bastak, Importance of Enigme.Abstract
Baloch have developed a rich body of oral literature to mark any occasion of life. Riddles are one of these. People from all walks of life, age and sex are noted to have a special interest in riddles and participating in riddle telling competitions. During the late 19th century Longworth Dames observed that the Baloch “are addicted” to composing riddles on any unusual circumstance which attracts their attention. This extraordinary interest of theirs has caused a very rich body of this literary genre among the Baloch. Unfortunately, not much work has been carried out so far to collect these and bring them to the attention of a wider readership.
This paper is an attempt to discuss the present state of research on Balochi riddles and the available material in/on it. It also discusses Balochi riddles within the context of wider international riddle studies and corpuses. Its main aim is to stimulate and encourage local students of oral traditions to carry out further research on this important literary genre before it is too late.
غوث بخش صابر(1973)چاچ وبند:بلوچی اکیڈمی کوئٹہ
قدیرمجید(2013)چاچ گنج،سیدریفرنس لائبریری
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