Qurno and Nannorhaps Ritchieana
Thousand Years Old Traditions Alive in Balochistan
Qurno, Kaak, Nannorhaps Ritchieana, Ancient Traditions, Prehistory, BalochistanAbstract
This land ‘Balochistan’ has witnessed the rise and fall of many cultures. Despite the rough and harsh geographical conditions, Stone Age men dwelled here and started cultural activities. These Cultural Activities started in Balochistan in Paleolithic times around 35000 B.P as the Paleolithic evidence has been in eastern Balochistan, southeastern Balochistan, and Suleiman ranges. Mesolithic evidence has been found in Zhob are, while the Neolithic cultural activities are not limited to only one region of Balochistan, they are found in all parts of Balochistan. The cultural activities do not end here, they continued later in Chalcolithic Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age until late historic times. The interesting thing is that even today, these cultural traditions after a time span of thousand years, are still alive and practiced in Balochistan. There is strong continuity between the early Paleolithic settlements and later historic settlements in the region. Some of these continuities may have occurred due to living in similar environments, but other continuities clearly reflect strong social and ideological cultural linkages. Through the critical study of continuity and change between early settlements and modern towns in Balochistan, I have identified many cultural patterns and traditions. Such two traditions are the use of Pebble Tools and Nannorhaps Ritchieana. Pebble Tools Pebble tools in Neolithic times have been used for indirect heating or baking bread shows the present tradition of baking ‘Qurno’ which is quite common throughout Balochistan. The Neolithic people used Nannorhaps Ritchieana or palm leaves to make nets probably for catching fish and basket molds for making pottery, similar techniques are applied even today in Balochistan to make all household objects.
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