Discussion of Scriptorial and Orthographic Issues of Balochi
Balochi Language, Roman Script, Perso-Arabic Script, Orthography, scriptorial and orthographic issuesAbstract
Balochi Language is written in Perso-Arabic script, which is why it has a number of
issues, which particularly pertain to the twelve-borrowed Perso-Arabic letters and their
phones used in Balochi writing system. Moreover, Balochi has hamza [ء], diacritic and vowels
related issue with this script. Because this script does not provide any other, particular, letter
or sign for the diacritics and vowels, due to which a number of ambiguous and identical words
are often mispronounced, misread and misunderstood.
This research paper discusses the hypothesis that the scriptorial issues of Balochi
language can better be resolved by adopting the Roman Script for Balochi Language or the
same Perso-Arabic script with reasonable modifications which should address the issues
pertaining to the issues of the borrowed phonemes, (glottal stops) sounds, the diacritics and
vowels. This research at the same time is historical, comparative and descriptive in nature.
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