بلوچی چہ بُن ءُ بیھءَ بلوچستانءِ زبان انت
Balochi the only ancient language of Balochistan
origin, Mekran, Tukmnestan, Arabian countriesAbstract
The Baloch nation has a history of about four to five thousand years. A lot of historians have expressed their ideas time by time to define the word Baloch, its origin and exodus through centuries. But the point which has been remained aborted is the concept of the son of soil. This paper manifests that the Baloch have not been migrated from Syria to northern Iran via south Iran to Mekran. Baloch are the son of soil and the ancient inhabitant of this land but they have migrated time by time to Syria, Tukmnestan, Iraq and other Arabian countries for their livelihood, but they did not forget the land of their origin.
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