بلوچی ءَ قصہی لبزانک ءِ گالبند
Fictional Terminology in Balochi Language
Fiction, Terms, ternmonlogy, Meaning, DictionaryAbstract
Terms (Gaalband / istelaahaat) play a vital role for the expansion, growth and enrichment of a language. Terms are basically said to be the fundamental tools of a language or literature, without which it would not be possible to sustain any sort of literature or language.
This paper not only demonstrates the terms relating to the fiction, but also let us knows about the methods of coining of terms in a research methodology. Customization of the coining of terms and using them in a proper way in the Balochi fiction will be discussed in detail in the paper.
The field of coining terms (Terminology) has been under-estimated and made it barren in the Balochi literature which has brought it to a halt. This has also lessened the possibilities of expansion of the Balochi literature.
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