بلوچ اوبادگی پژدر ءُ بلوچستان
Baloch Race and Balochistan
successful, origin, Sumerian, Caspian SeaAbstract
A thorough study of the Baloch race written history informs us that what has been written in the past, are imperceptible and vague. From the beginning till now no historian has been successful to throw a clear light over the Baloch race, its origin, growth as a nation and exodus. Some historians have labeled the Baloch race as a descent of Semite origin and the others have tagged it as the remnants of Kaldian race. Some historians opine that the Baloch are from the inhabitants of Caspian Sea (Bahr -e- Khizr), some say that Baloch are the remnants of Median, Sumerian and Elamites.
This paper exemplifies thoroughly the origin of the Baloch race and its enlargement as a nation.
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