Irritants in Pak-Iran Relations Since 9/11 and its impacts on Balochistan
Pakistan, Iran, policiesAbstract
Pakistan’s intimate and close relations with USA (Iran’s as bitter adversary) since 9/11 adversely affected Pakistan relations with Iran. Pakistan close collaboration and cooperation with USA by providing US naval and military bases on its territory was strongly protested by Iran. Their contradictory policies and conflicting nature regarding global war against terrorism created rift and division between these two neighboring countries. Moreover, Iran’s friendly and cooperative relations with India in the post 9/11 era, is another factor, which negatively impacted Pak-Iran relations. Indo-Iranian convergence of interests on Afghanistan and Central Asia., their mutual threats and perceptions at the regional and global level, and their growing coordination in Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf brought these two countries close to each other. And more significantly the development in Pak-GCC relations since 9/11 was yet, another factor, which had negative implications on Pak-Iran relations.
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